
Consumes Higher Vitamin C everyday !

The size of organic orange may be smaller than orange cultivated in conventional way. Nevertheless, Theo Clarak's researched has succeeded to prove that the vitamin C content of organic orange is 30% more than conventional orange. The vitamin C content of one organic orange on the average is 78 mg. The vitamin C needs of adult is up to 60—70 mg per day. For smokers, the vitamin C needs reaches 100 mg. By consuming an organic orange, the needs can be fulfilled.***

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A recent assessment by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) projects that orangutans will be virtually eliminated in the wild within two decades if current trends continue. Orangutans are native to the tropical forests of Indonesia and Malaysia, where rapid forest loss and degradation are threatening orangutans and other species, including the Sumatran tiger, the Sumatran rhinoceros and the Asian elephant.

[at the picture : Green area is tropical rain forest]